Commitment to the next generation.

Revolutionizing Indoor Air Quality with Smart Monitoring and AI-Driven Solutions

Clearing the Air on Cognitive Health and Disease Prevention

Indoor air quality is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of our daily environments, directly influencing health, well-being, and productivity. From the silent elevation of CO2 levels impairing our cognitive abilities to the insidious presence of particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) affecting our long-term health, the air we breathe indoors is laden with challenges. Compounded by the increased risk of airborne disease transmission in poorly ventilated spaces, these issues demand urgent attention. However, a significant barrier to addressing these threats lies in the widespread lack of awareness and actionable insights, leaving institutions and individuals equipped with inadequate information to make informed decisions. As we delve into the specifics of each problem area, it becomes clear that understanding and mitigating the adverse effects of indoor air pollutants is not just a matter of health—it’s a prerequisite for fostering safer, more productive environments where future generations can thrive.

The Invisible Threat to Cognitive Performance

Elevated CO2 levels in indoor environments can significantly impair cognitive function, affecting decision-making, concentration, and overall productivity. In settings like schools and offices, where cognitive performance is crucial, the impact of poor air quality can be profound, leading to decreased learning outcomes and lower work efficiency.

Airborne Disease Transmission

Poor ventilation and high CO2 levels are known to increase the risk of airborne disease transmission, including viruses. This is especially critical in enclosed spaces such as educational institutions, offices, and retirement homes, where the spread of illness can have severe consequences for vulnerable populations.

Long-Term Health Hazards: PM and VOC Exposure

Particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor environments pose serious long-term health risks. These pollutants can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic conditions. Continuous exposure in indoor settings without proper monitoring and mitigation strategies jeopardizes the health of occupants.

The Gap in Awareness and Action

Despite the known risks, there’s a significant gap in awareness about indoor air quality levels and their impacts. Furthermore, even when individuals or institutions are aware, there’s often a lack of clear, actionable insights on how to mitigate these risks effectively. This gap hinders the adoption of necessary measures to improve air quality and protect health.

Empowering Healthier Indoor Environments Through Smart Monitoring and AI Insights

In response to the critical issues posed by poor indoor air quality, our cutting-edge air quality monitoring device/platform offers a proactive and intelligent solution. Designed to not only detect and inform but also predict and advise, our system empowers institutions to safeguard the health and productivity of their environments. By integrating real-time monitoring with advanced analytics and AI-driven predictions, we enable actionable decision-making that can significantly reduce health risks and enhance well-being. From educational facilities to office spaces and retirement homes, our solution provides the necessary tools to address the challenges of indoor air quality head-on.

Air Quality Monitoring Station

  • Real-time air quality monitoring
  • CO2, Particulate Matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sensors
  • Displays data directly on the device for immediate awareness and engagement
  • Wireless sensor value syncing with our Cloud Application

Comprehensive Dashboard

  • Intuitive and user-friendly UI/UX
  • Current pollutant level tracking
  • Historical trend tracking
  • Deeper understanding of air quality over time and the identification of patterns that may require attention
  • AI-Driven Risk Prediction and advice on actions to take

AI-Driven Risk Prediction

  • Historical real-time data analysis
  • Prediction of potential risks for disease transmission
  • Crucial for taking preemptive actions, such as suggesting remote work or study options, to prevent outbreaks.

Easy Integration and Scalability

  • Easy setup even for non-technical users
  • Scalable solution for use in various rooms in the building
  • Versatile usage in different areas
  • Integration with building’s automation/HVAC systems
  • Optimised use of HVAC / energy bill savings

Meet our team

We are dreamers AND doers. An explosive mix set to redefine the boundaries of this field.

Mantas Linkis

Software & Hardware

Žilvinas Žemgulys

Software & Hardware

Mindaugas Galvosas, M. D.

Health & Research

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